Thursday, October 31, 2019

Vodafone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Vodafone - Essay Example Vodafone is a mobile system operator whose headquarter is in Newbury, England. It has been credited for being the biggest telecommunications network company all over the world with a market worth of close to hundred billion pounds. Currently, this company has equity benefit in twenty-five countries and associate network in forty-one countries. Vodafone’s current strategy in business is to develop through geographic extension, maintenance of present customers, attainment of fresh customers, and increase usage through technological innovation (McLoughlin and Aaker, 2010: 111). Vodafone’s results presented by the CEO on 19th May 2009 left everyone unimpressed. Before this report, it had been expected that the group would see free cash flow, increases in revenue, and adjusted profits (McLoughlin and Aaker, 2010: 111). Colao had been appointed as the CEO in July 2008with the intention that the company’s performance would boost significantly. Colao is currently employing strategies to improve Vodafone’s performance in the future. He intends to reduce costs by 1 billion dollars by the end of 2011. One of the current strategic issues is a revenue-boosting factor. This shall be guided by a push indented to convince more customers to purchase mobiles competent of linking to the internet (McLoughlin and Aaker, 2010: 111). A further strategy by the CEO is to trade telecoms services to other companies. There is a further strategy involving expansion of services to other countries. A resource based analysis of Vodafone involves an investigation of the capabilities and resources that results to its strengths and weaknesses. For a careful analysis of Vodafone’s current strategy, some essential issues affecting the company both externally and internally need to be examined. Some of these issues include political factors, infrastructure, economic factors, social-cultural factors,

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Choka Enterprises Essay Example for Free

Choka Enterprises Essay An effective reward system is organized to stimulate, inspire and motivate individuals to enhance their overall job performance. Our system is designed to appeal and retain staff of the right quality with an understanding of the financial status of the organization. This reward ststem is designed to boost the functions and core values of the organization that our employees will continue to with success. The factors to consider are: †¢ Performance associated pay †¢ Incentive †¢ Job Evaluation †¢ Monitoring the recruiting and retaining of staff †¢ Cost control mechanism by reviewing salaries and wages

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Critical Issues In Community Care Social Work Essay

Critical Issues In Community Care Social Work Essay The purpose of this essay is to Critically examine an area of Community Care provision in mental health services. ideological, political and legislative frameworks will be taken into account, it will also examine the complex relationships between service user movements, professional bodies and the statutory, voluntary and independent sector services in the delivery of community care it will also identify and justify evidence of good practice in the provision of community care The system of community care was aimed to maintain the stability of the social order and to address the disparities and inconsistencies within the existing community care discourse. Mental health services became a part of the community care system early in the 17th century. With time, mental health in community care became an effective element of regulating the state of mental health across different population groups. Today, mental health community care is a two-tier system of community services, comprising health care and mental care provided to vulnerable populations in need for treating and monitoring various types of mental health conditions. The history of community care in the UK dates back to the beginning of the 17th century, when the Poor Law was adopted to make every parish responsible for supporting those who could not look after themselves (Mind 2010). Yet, it was not before the beginning of the 19th century (or 1808, to be more exact) that the County Asylums Act permitted county justices to build asylums supported by the local authorities to replace psychiatric annexes to voluntary general hospitals (Mind 2010). In 1879, the UK established the Mental Aftercare Association which worked on a comparatively small scale and focused on personal and residential care of the limited amount of mental ex-patients (Yip 2007). The association was further supplemented with three more voluntary associations that worked on a national scale and provided community care to mental outpatients (Yip 2007). Those organisations included the Central Association for Mental Welfare, the Child Guidance Council, and the National Council for Mental Hygiene (Yip 2007). Later in 1939 the Feversham Committee proposed amalgamation of all four voluntary organizations into a single system of mental health community care (Yip 2007). In 1890, the first general hospital clinic for psychiatric patients Was created at St. Thomas Hospital, while the World War I became the turning point in the improvement of health care facilities in the UK, giving rise to an unprecedented number of asylums and hospital facilities for mentally ill people (Yip 2007). It should be noted, that the first stages of mental health community care development was marked with the growing public commitment toward institutionalized care: throughout the 18th and the 19th centuries, cure and containment of mental illnesses in the U.K. and in Europe was provided in accordance with the principles of institutionalized care (Wright et al. 2008). The mental health care went in line in the development and proliferation of other institutional solutions, including houses of correction, schools, and prisons (Wight et al. 2008). The asylums rationale, first and foremost, lay in the belief that separation was in the interests of dangerous lunatics, giving them security and maximizing the prospects for cure (Wright et al 2008). Yet, those who ever appeared within such asylums had only one chance out of three to come out; the majority of mental health patients, regardless of the diagnosis, were destined to stay behind the asylum walls for the rest of their lives (Yip 2007 ). Medical professionals considered asylums as an effective means to isolate potentially dangerous patients from the rest of the community: asylums and isolation often served an effective way of investigating the reasons and consequences of mental health disturbances (Wright et al 2008). Many doctors viewed asylums and isolation as the sources of effective moral treatment for mentally ill (Wright et al 2008). Only by the beginning of the 19th century did professionals in medicine and social care come to recognize insanity as a mental illness and not as a product of sinful human nature; yet, years would pass before asylum residents would be given a slight hope to release themselves from the burden of isolation and torture (Wright et al. 2008). With the development of psychoanalysis in the 19th century, mental health became one of the issues of the national concern supported by the active development of psychopharmacology in the 20th century mental illness was finally explained in somatic terms (Wright et al. 2008). Psychopharmacology promised a relatively safe method of treating and alleviating mental health suffering, while the identity of psychiatry within the medical profession was finally restored (Wright et al 2008). Nevertheless, for many years and centuries, mental health community care remained a by-product of industrialized society development, which, under the pressure of the growing urban populations, sought effective means to maintain the stability of the social order. Because in conditions of the newly emerging economies lunatics and individuals with mental health disturbances were less able to conform to the labor market discipline and more apt to create disorder and disturbance in society, asylums were an e ffective response to the growing urban mass and the basic for maintain peace and stability in the new industrialized community (Goodwin 2007). The need for maintaining social order was an essential component of the community care ideology, with institutionalization and local provision support as the two basic elements of mental health care provision. Today, the provision of mental health community care services is associated with several issues and inconsistencies; many of the community care complexities that emerged early in the 19th century have not been resolved until today. Nevertheless, it would fair to say that under the influence of the social and scientific development, the provision of mental health community services has undergone a profound shift and currently represents a complex combination of health care and social care aimed to treat and support individuals with diagnosed mental health disturbances. In present day community care environments, mental health care provision exemplifies a complex combination of health care and social care. The former is the responsibility of the NHS, while the latter is arranged by local authority social services (Mind 2010). It should be noted, that the division of duties between medical establishments, local authorities, and social care professionals has always been one of the basic complexities in the development of mental health care in the U.K. (Wright et al. 2008). In 1954, the House of Commons was the first to emphasis inadequate resorting of mental health community services and to vote for the development of a community-based rather than a closed system of mental health institutions (Wright et al. 2008). Community services proposed by the House of Commons had to be available to everyone who could potentially benefit from them (Wright et al. 2008). As a result, deinstitutionalization became and remains one of the central policy debates within the mental health service provision discourse. Central to the argument for deinstitutionalization and the development of community-based services is the contention that the prognosis of patients is likely to improve as a result of discharge from mental hospitals, and that people with mental health problems already in community will benefit from remaining there rather than being institutionalized (Goodwin 2007). Social care providers in England claim that deinstitutionalization represents a new style of service provision and approach to mental illness which is better and more acceptable than traditional remote mental hospitals (Goodwin 2007). Since the beginning of the 1970s, mental health community care was associated with the treatment of mentally ill patients outside the asylums but, unfortunately, deinstitutionalization did not always lead to the anticipated results and is still one of the major policy debates. The ideology of deinstitutionalization in mental health community care failed and did not improve the provision of mental health services for several reasons. First, deinstitutionalization does not provide mental health patients with an opportunity to reintegrate with their community: being discharged from asylums, many mentally ill patients were transferred to general medical establishments and other facilities, including residential homes as a result, instead of community living, deinstitutionalization for these patients turned out to be a complex form of deinstitutionalization, while adequate funding of community services was constantly lacking (Wright et al. 2008). For this reason, the practical side of the deinstitutionalization policy proved to be less advantageous for the prevailing majority of asylums residents than it was claimed to be (Goodwin 2007). Second, the ideology of deinstitutionalization does not improve health outcomes for patients with mental problems. The current state of research suggests that the process of transferring mental health patients from one hospital to another results in negative health consequences and adverse mental health reactions, including significant deterioration of behaviors and greater problems with social activity (Goodwin 2007). The more complex are the issues with transferring mentally ill patients from and into prisons according to Fawcett and Karban (2007) the process, later called transinstitutionalisation, results in prison overcrowding and the loss of effective psychiatric care for those who are imprisoned. Today, deinstitutionalization as the ideological underpinning of mental health delivery does not work for patients but works against them. It does not improve the state of care provision and reflects in additional costs and adverse health outcomes. Nevertheless, the prevention of unw anted institutionalization is acknowledged as one of the basic principles of care provision (Gladman et al. 2007) and must become one of the basic elements of policy development and provision in community mental health. The third problem is the lack of outpatient monitoring: the ideology of deinstitutionalization in mental health delivery will not be effective and productive, unless policymakers and social workers have a possibility to monitor the destination of the discharged patients and their live in communities. Throughout the period between 1954 and 1994, the number of mental health hospital beds in the U.K. was reduced from 152000 to 43000 which, according to Wright et al. (2008) did not result in a reduction in the number of people treated. Not with standing that since 1997 the Government is the one solely responsible for the development and implementation of programmes of supervision and control regarding mentally ill patients, the quality of their discharge and monitoring leaves much room for improvement (Lehman 2007). The discharge process itself and the destination of the discharged patients represent the two most problematic areas of community care provision: the discharge process is oft en poorly planned, while a very little effort is put into monitoring their quality of life beyond asylums (Goodwin 2007). Discharged patients are believed to live and operate in the community, with their families and friends, but the real outcomes of the discharge into community is highly variable (Ritchie Spencer 2007). Of all patients discharged from mental hospitals, over 45 percent find themselves in residential homes, 7 percent are in locked facilities, and only 22 percent live independently or with their families (Goodwin 2007). The remainder are either homeless or untreated (Morse et al 2007). Deinstitutionalization in its current form and in the way the government implements it does not make outpatients automatically eligible for social care. In present day community care environments, the four basic measures predetermine the quality of outpatients with mental illnesses lives: sufficient material support, emotional support, sufficient care, and the presence of a well-performing social network within which they must be accepted (Goodwin 2007). These are the basic prerequisites for the successful outpatient reintegration with their Community. The only problem to be resolved is the need to develop a clear set of criteria, which will define and determine each patients right for social care services. Today, according to the basic provisions of the National Service Framework for Mental Health, all mentally ill individuals should have 24-hour access to local social and medical services to meet their needs (Mind 2009). These patients and individuals have the right for their needs to be assessed based on the results of the needs assessment social care providers will decide whether an individual is eligible for this particular type of social services (Mind 2009). Finally, deinstitutionalization of care does not provide any opportunity to properly and objectively assess the needs of patients. When developed, the deinstitutionalization ideology in mental health community care implied that all mental health patients would have similar community needs, but the idealistic interpretation of deinstitutionalization is far from reality. Today, needs assessment was and in one of the most problematic aspects of the social care provision for mentally ill. Despite the fact that needs assessment represents and reflects the major policy shift toward better quality of social care provision, social services do not always provide or have an opportunity to fully utilize their service potential and to meet the needs of the mentally ill individuals. According to Mind (2009), needs assessment compromises community care assessment, care programme approach assessment, mental health assessment, and carers assessment. Yet, there is still the lack of consensus on what constitutes need: social care providers tend to define need as the requirement of individuals to enable them to achieve acceptable quality of life and as a problem which can benefit from an existing intervention (Thornicroft 2007). It is not clear whether acceptable quality of life is the notion comprehensible to guarantee that all community needs of mentally ill patients are met (Barry Crosby 2007). More importantly, it is not clear who, when, and in what conditions should engage in the process of needs assessment: do social care providers possess enough education, training, and knowledge to conduct regular assessments? These are the issues which must be resolved to enhance the quality and efficiency of community care in the context of mental health services. Mental health and deinstitutionalization: still effective Despite the problems and failures of deinstitutionalization, community care for mentally ill individuals is effective and reliable, given that it leads to reduced social withdrawal, better social functioning, and increased participation in various pro-social activities (McGuire et al 2007). That, however, does not mean that mentally ill outpatients have better opportunities to find a job; rather, they either participate in specially designed workshops or return to the function of a house wife (Prot-Klinger Pawlowska 2009). Yet, some population groups require additional attention on the side of care providers. For example, in older populations, more than 55 percent of people with diagnosed schizophrenia were never offered appropriate psychological therapies and do not even have any out-of-hours contact number (Parish 2009). As a result, there must be a profound shift toward providing community care based on the need rather than based on the patient age (Parish 2009). People with lear ning disabilities represent the opposite end of the current problem continuum, and social care providers often either omit or neglect the needs of these patients (Thronicroft 2007). Several essential steps should be made to develop the quality of community care provision for the mentally ill. Conclusion First, community care providers must develop a single set of measures as a part of their needs assessment strategy to make sure that all community care providers operate as one, and use the same criteria of needs assessment in different socioeconomic groups. Second, special attention must be paid to the vulnerable populations that are often overlooked by the community care system, including older patients with mental health problems. Third, the principles of deinstitutionalisation require detailed consideration: more often than not, patients who are discharged from closed mental health facilities are transferred to other mental health hospitals or smaller mental health departments and wards, while the governments striving to reduce the number of mental health beds and specialists do not leave these patients any single chance to meet their health and social needs. The groups of patients, who will benefit most from the closure of the mental health institutions, have in many cases fared worst (Goodwin 2007). Finally and, probably, the most important, is that patients who are discharged from mental health institutions should be closely monitored and constantly supported. One of the main goals of the community care is to help out patients successfully reintegrate with their community. The destination of the discharged patients must become one of the social care priorities, and community care providers must engage outpatients in their social network, to ensure that all social and health needs of t hese individuals are met.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Revolutions Around the World Essay -- History, Intellectual Innovation

During the late eighteenth century and the early nineteenth century, the colonies of the New World, and countries of the Old World, were undergoing revolutions and reforms. In North America, the United States created an economic and political powerhouse; the modern world’s first major nation to become a democracy. The Haitian Rebellion dramatically inspired other slaves and people to rise above government and be given the rights to freedom. The French Revolution practically destroyed its earlier absolute monarchy and caused the people to fight for social and political systems that treated them fairly and gave them more voice in government. The ideas and responses to the American, French, and Haitian Revolutions illustrate political uprisings in each government, change in social autonomy and a newfound sense of pride, along with intellectual shift and innovations. An additional document that would help analyze these revolutions would be a written document about a person’ s account and emotional insight to what it was like living during a revolution. A major thought for these revolutions was that the people of these regions wanted to formulate a new government in which it would grant more people freedom and would be actually able to listen to the people. In British periodicals, illustrations display British Officials being tarred and feathered; a humiliating event for anyone (Doc 2). This represents the Americans’ public opinion towards political leaders of Britain and their demand for liberty and justice. The Declaration of Independence states that the United States wants a just government that listens to the voice of the people, and is made up of the people (Doc 3). The Declaration of Independence displays how the ideas of the p... ...people into joining the revolt and other countries thinking about rebellions and revolutions (Doc 6). The political uprisings, national pride and change in social statues, along with intellectual innovations were all ideas and responses to the revolutions. The ideas and the responses to these ideas were important factors in the outcome of these revolutions. Political up rise and search for liberty caused governments to be overthrown and fought against. A sense of equality, shift in social autonomy, and nationalism led to revolutions in France, America, and Haiti. The influences of intellectual ideas led to more people being involved in the revolutions of these regions. These revolutions change the world, causing the United States to become the world’s largest power, Haitian people to gain liberty, and absolute monarchy in France to be completely overthrown.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Censorship: Fahrenheit 451 and Lounge Chairs

Censorship is what the government or a group of people make people think that there way is the right way of living. In the movie Wall-E, it shows a lot of censorship. They have made an illusion of what the perfect life looks like. Also in the book Fahrenheit 451 written by Ray Bradbury the government have deprived the people of many things. In the movie Wall-Ethe humans have been sent from earth to live in a â€Å"cruise† on space due to pollution on earth has made is impossible for civilization to live on it. On space they have censored all real food, all food is liquid. There are lounge chairs for each person where they do everything they do no leave the lounge chairs only to go to sleep. The lounge chairs able them to communicate with people, play virtual sport and shop. They have been censored of all real things, like actually walking, being active, eating nutritious food, and having face to face conversation; due to this they are all obese and aren’t able to walk due to bone loss. In the book Fahrenheit 451 the government had made what is considered the ideal life. They are censored for thinking because they want everyone to be alike. They have also banned books because they are worthless and have too many ways of life and opinions and they want it to be one way only to be the right way. If they find out you have books they burn the books and your house. They are not very smart because they are deprived from learning a lot because it makes them think. The movie Wall-E and the book Fahrenheit 451 are very similar. What the government has portrayed as the perfect easy way of life is what the people believe is best for them. They have lived by the rules so many years that they don’t remember what the normal way of life is like anymore.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Financial Accounting Standards Boards’ Codification Essay

For my role as a staff accountant, I was assigned to research the appropriate accounting for revenue treatment of construction contracts for a client, LabCo. In specific, I was assigned to oversee LabCos’ contract involving a six-axis laser-cutting machine with Halibut Co. After researching and developing a theory based on the Financial Accounting Standards Boards’ Codification, I have concluded that LabCos’ treatment of revenue was reasonable; however, they should have changed revenue recognition principles sooner. In this situation, there are three possible ways they can handle changing their accounting method: Retrospective Application, Change in Accounting Estimate Method, or Change in Estimate Affected by Accounting Principle. The revenue treatment principle for a construction type principle states, â€Å"In accounting for contracts, the basic accounting policy decision is the choice between two generally accepted methods: the percentage-of-completion method including units of delivery and the completed-contract method. The determination of which of the two methods is preferable is based on a careful evaluation of circumstances because the two methods should not be acceptable alternatives for the same circumstances (ASC 605-35-25-1).† LabCo agreed to build a six-axis laser-cutting machine for Halibut. The contract entered into was a fixed price contract. A fixed price contract is, â€Å"An agreement to perform all acts under the contract for a stated price† (ASC 605-35-15-4). LabCo decided to use the percentage of completion method for recognizing income. â€Å"The percentage of completion method recognizes income as work on a contracts progress† (ASC 605-35-25-51). Income recognized shall be that percentage of estimated total income, either: â€Å"That incurred costs to date bear to estimated total costs after giving effect to estimates of costs to complete based on most recent information, or that may be indicated by such other measure of progress toward completion as may be appropriate having due regard to work performed (ASC 605-32-25-52).† It is appropriate to use the percentage of completion method when, â€Å"The ability to make reasonably dependable estimates, which, for purposes of this Subtopic, relates to estimates of the extent of progress toward completion, contract revenues, and contract costs (ASC 605-35-25-56.)† LabCo believed they could correctly estimate the cost to build a laser cutting machine because they had completed similar contracts in the past for Halibut. After the contract went into effect, LabCo experienced difficulties designing and manufacturing the laser cutting machine. They were forced to redo initial designs, outsource engineering costs, and the price of steel used to construct the cutting machine unexpectedly rose. LabCo had to re-estimate their costs to complete the project and concluded that the excess costs would exceed the total fixed fee contract price they negotiated with Halibut. To update their estimated costs, LabCo continued using the percentage of completion method. LabCo appropriately recorded a loss in the period in which they became aware. â€Å"When the current estimates of total contract revenue and contract cost indicate a loss, a provision for the entire loss on the contract shall be made. Provisions for losses shall be made in the period in which they become evident under either the percentage-of-completion method or the completed-contract method (ASC 605-35-25-46.)† LabCo experienced another setback which delayed their process six more months. When the cutting machine was finally complete, they delivered it to Halibut to have it tested. During the final test, the machine failed to meet the specifications of Halibut. LabCo was forced to redesign and fix the various problems with the machine. At this point, LabCos’ chief accounting officer decided to switch to the completed contract method, which says, â€Å"Under the completed-contract method, income is recognized only when a contract is completed or substantially completed. Accordingly, during the period of performance, billings and costs are accumulated on the balance sheet, but no profit or income is recorded before completion or substantial completion of the work (ASC 605-35-25-88).† â€Å"The completed contract method is preferable when lack of dependable estimates or inherent hazards cause forecasts to be doubtful (ASC 605-35-25-90)†, which was the case in the situation. The two methods, percentage of completion and completed contract, are not acceptable alternatives for the same situation (ASC 605-35-25-1). LabCo should have realized after running into unexpected costs the first time that they should have switched to the completed contract method. â€Å"An entity using the percentage-of-completion method as its basic accounting policy shall use the completed-contract method for a single contract or a group of contracts for which reasonably dependable estimates cannot be made or for which inherent hazards make estimates doubtful (ASC 605-35-25-61).† LabCo is able to handle this change in of accounting principle in one of the three methods; Retrospective Application, Change in Accounting Estimate, or Change in Accounting Estimate Affected by Accounting Principle. It is clear that the percentage of completion method was not the acceptable alternative because LabCo could not effectively estimate costs. The completed contract method is the preferable method because there was a lack of dependable estimates. LabCos’ decision to switch from percentage of completion to completed contract method is in accordance with FASB Codification because this transition can be handled by the Accounting Staff to apply a retrospective application to the previous year’s financial information. â€Å"The application of a different accounting principle to one or more previously issued financial statements, or to the statement of financial position at the beginning of the current period, as if that principle had always been used, or a change to financial statements of prior accounting periods to present the financial statements of a new reporting entity as if it had existed in those prior years. (ASC 250-10-20)† Since the retrospective application is applied to this situation to show the effect of the change to completed contract method; the estimated contract costs were no longer reliably determinable, therefore, disclosure for the reasons behind this change must be included within the year’s financial statements when the change actually is incurred. The situation can also be handled with a Change in Accounting Estimate approach. When LabCo incurred significant difficulties with the design and manufacturing of the laser machine, they decided to update their estimates used in the percentage of completion method to reflect both the cost overruns incurred as well as the cost overruns expected to be incurred. Handling it with this approach prohibits the retrospective treatment to the situation. It will affect only the period of change and future periods, if the change affects both, in which case it does. â€Å"The effect on income from continuing operations, net income (or other appropriate captions of changes in the applicable net assets or performance indicator), and any related per-share amounts of the current period shall be disclosed for a change in estimate that affects several future periods.† (ASC 250-10-50-4) The final approach that could have handled this situation is the Change in Estimate Affected by a Change in Accounting Principle. Due to LabCo dealing with continued problems with the Halibut contract, and prior estimates adjusted previously during the contract period, it forced the Chief Accountant of LabCo to allow the change in accounting principle from percentage of completion method to completed contract method. LabCo can make this change by it being impossible to determine whether a change in principle or a change in estimate has occurred. â€Å"If it is impracticable to determine the cumulative effect of applying a change in accounting principle to any prior period, the new accounting principle shall be applied as if the change was made prospectively as of the earliest date practicable.† (ASC 250-10-45-7) After much continued research and intellectual thought, we have concluded that the Retrospective Application is not sufficient in this matter because the estimates have been altered drastically; to retrospectively apply the changes this year would distort Net Income figures to the point where timeliness and consistency will no longer apply. The Change in Accounting Estimate would seem sufficient to apply to this situation, but it will not work because a change in estimate cannot be applied retrospectively. Therefore, I have concluded that the best way to handle this issue is the Change in Accounting Estimate affected by the Change in Accounting Principle approach. I have come to this conclusion based on the facts that due to a change in accounting principle and change in accounting estimate both being involved in this situation, and retrospective application not being applicable, the entire effect of the two changes should be applied in a prospective method. This free SWOT analysis shows strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. We cover over 40,000 companies and industries. This SWOT analysis for Labco can provide a competitive advantage. Strengths|

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Get the Most Out of SAT Math Practice Questions

How to Get the Most Out of SAT Math Practice Questions SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You’ve lined up all your SAT math study material, but now how do you use these questions to their best effect? Getting the materials to study is only half the battle- making an effective study plan and knowing how to best execute it is the second, crucial step. We’ve put together a comprehensive plan on how to make use of the study materials you have at hand. In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to best use your math practice problems and how to make the best study plan possible to boost your SAT math score. The Importance of Using Proper SAT Math Study Materials Before we start in on how to use the practice materials, it’s important to talk about what study materials to use. The SAT is a very specific kind of test and a good deal of the study material available online does a poor job of replicating it. The most accurate and highest quality study material will come from the College Board itself and only prep programs that truly base their questions off this material are worth your time. Always use the highest quality study material and practice problems so that you can get the best measure of how you’ll do on test day. If you study from inferior sources, you will have an inaccurate picture of how you’ll do (for better or worse), which will only hamper your study progress. We have gathered all the best free SAT study material and practice problems, so definitely start there for all your SAT math practice problem needs. Only the best SAT study materials are worth your time (so says Study Dog). How to Begin- Identifying Your Current Strengths and Weaknesses First things first, you need torun a diagnostic! Step 1:Take a Full-Length SAT Practice Test If you haven’t taken one already, start by taking a full practice testto gauge your current score and percentile. Though you may be more focused on improving your math score right now, you will still need to take a full test so that you can best replicate a real testing environment. You won’t truly know where your weaknesses or strengths on the test are without first taking the test. You also won’t know how your math scores fit into your larger test-taking picture if you only take the math sections by themselves. The SAT is a marathon and scores will fluctuate depending on your energy and concentration levels over the course of the entire test. So you’ll only get a full picture of your current levels if you take the complete test all together. This is a baseline, so be honest. Only then will you be able to tell where you’re starting and how far you have to go. So treat your practice runas you would the real test- adhere to the timing rules, don’t stop and look things up, and skip questions you don’t feel you can answer accurately. And, as you go through, make sure to mark your questions. Put a mark any time you feel unsure about a question and cross out any eliminated answer options. This will help you to identify patterns in your overall test-taking later. Step 2:Examine Your Test-Taking Patterns Once you’ve corrected your practice test, look at your spread of right and wrong answers. Are there any patterns to the distribution? There are two broad ways to categorizeyour mistakes: by location on the test and by type of content. See if you can organize your errors accordingly. There will be three SAT math sections on any given practice test, two that are entirely multiple choice and one that is a combination of multiple choice and grid-in. The multiple choice only sections are arranged in order of ascending difficulty, so the last problem of a math section will be much harder than the first question. On the combination multiple choice and grid-in SAT math section, the questions will go in ascending order of difficulty for the multiple choice and then will reset for the grid-in. So question 8 (multiple choice) will be much more difficult than question 10 (grid-in). What this all means is that if your errors on the SAT math sections mostly appear in certainlocations, your mistakes are probably related to the difficulty level of the problems. To spot patterns of location-based errors, ask yourself whether you are: Missing questions over the entire math section, seemingly evenly throughout? Missing mostly the grid-in questions? (For some students, the grid-in section is exponentially more difficult than the multiple choice section and can be a large source of lost points.) Missing several questions in the early range of the multiple choice or grid-in? (Though it is normal to miss some or even several questions on the overall SAT math section, try to carefully analyze and improve upon your mistakes in this earliest range. These earlier questions will be the quickest and "simplest" to solve for the whole math section and so will net you a nice cushion of points if you can grab them.) Missing questions in a cluster in the mid-range of each math section? (This is where the questions transition from "easy" to "medium-level" difficulty and that transition can trip many students up.) Missing mostly the last questions in each section? (These are the "high difficulty" questions and are difficult for most students.) You may also begetting questions wrong by topic. Take a close look at each of your errors to see if there is a topic-specific pattern to your errors. To spot trends incontent errors, ask yourself whether you are: Getting all or most questions wrong in a particular topic, no matter where the questions are located in the test? (E.g., are you missing allpolygonquestions, whether they appear as question 2 or question 20?) Getting questions wrong by topic only in the medium or high level difficulty? (For instance, can you solve your "easy"slopequestions, but miss all the "difficult" slope questions?) Having a seemingly even spread of right and wrong answers by topic throughout the test? (If you answered questions 4 and 14 onfunctionscorrectly, but missed question 9, it may have less to do with your understanding of functions as atopicand more to do with the phrasing of the question or the speed at which you were taking the test. Take a careful look at each problem to see if you can spot the pattern.) The less familiar you are with a particular math topic, the harder it will be to answer the variety of problems on it that you’ll see on the SAT. Take a look at ourindividual math guidesfor topic-specific help and practice questions for any of your SAT math topic problem areas. Most people will start out their SAT practice by missing a combination of location-specific and topic-specific questions, so don’t worry if your pattern starts out this way too. As you get more and more used to both the material and thewaythe SATteststhis material, you’ll narrow your range of wrong answers and increase your accuracy in both fields. Step 3: Make a List of Your SAT Math Strengths and Weaknesses Now that you’ve looked at your test-taking patterns, make a list on a separate piece of paper of all the math topics in which you missed questions. In addition, make a list of the types of errors you made. Why make a list of the type of error? There is a big difference between errors on the SAT math test- not knowing how to approach a question at all is very different than misreading a question. You’ll need to examine exactly what kinds of errors you’ve made so that you can learn to avoid them in the future. Types of errors include: Finding the wrong variable or final value This is one of the most common errors, especially on problems where you must find an "unusual" final answer. For instance, the problem may ask you to find the value of 2x for your final solution, when your natural instinct is to find the value of x alone. Misreading the question This can include misreading any value or variable in the overall question or simply misreading what the question is asking you to do. For example, in a word problem, did you mix up "Tom" and "Tina"? Did you read "subtract" as "square"? It is easy to make assumptions or to mix up similar words if you're going too quickly through your problems. Stopping your solve too early or too late In a problem that requires multiple steps, you may accidentally find yourself stopping a step or two too early or going a step or two too far. For instance, if you are tasked with finding the 12th number in a sequence and you're counting by hand, you might accidentallyfind the th or 13th number in the sequence instead. Many answer choices are generated by this type of error, so be extra cautious in only taking the exact number of steps necessary. Not knowing how to approach the question at all Whether it's the wording of the question or the math topic involved, sometimes you'll find yourself completely flummoxed. You may not know how to set up the solve to the problem in the slightest, or you may try and fail to set up the solve. Either way, this is a problem that leaves you stymied. Mixing up or forgetting your formulas Though you will be given a formula box, it can be easy to misremember or mix up your formulas in the heat of the moment. If you need to find the area of a circle, make sure you're using the area formula and not the circumference formula. Note: don’t take â€Å"careless errors† like misreading the question or finding the wrong final value lightly! The SAT is designed to make you make these kinds of errors, so don’t just assume you’ll make the correct choices next time. You’ve got to commit yourself to slowing down and identifying what the question is truly asking you. Always double check to make sure your answer matches exactly what they’re asking you to find. You've lined 'em up, now let's knock 'em down! How to Proceed: Using SAT Math Practice Questions to Raise Your Score You’ve got your baseline, so how do you use your practice material to up your score? Let’s take a look. 1) Now that you’ve identified your areas of strength and weakness, take the time to brush up on those math topics that lie in your weak zone. It’s not enough to assail yourself with practice problem after practice problem if you still don’t understand the material- you must first understand both the ins and outs of the particular math topic as well as how you’ll see it tested on the SAT. Our SAT math guidesare tailored to reflect and demonstrate how each topic is presented on the SAT, so you won’t have to waste time reading and memorizing more strategies and facts than you absolutely need to. This way, you’ll also keep your practice problems â€Å"fresh.† It’s no use throwing yourself against a wall of function problems if you’ve never studied functions in school. It will only leave you with no new material to study from once you’ve brushed up on how to solve function problems. Practice will only help you so much if you don’t know how to even approach a particular topic. Only then, once you’ve learned what you need to learn, will your practice problems solidify the knowledge in your head and get you to where you need to be- polishing up your topic skills so that you’re ready for test day. 2) When you do find practice questions, always try to solve them yourself first without looking to the answer. When looking over new problems, don't just look at the problem and go immediately to the answer. The answer explanation might make sense and even make you feel as though you would have been able to solve the problem yourself, but this feeling can be deceiving. Solving a puzzle yourself and understanding how a puzzle was solved require two entirely different parts of your brain. Always (always!) try to solve a problem yourself first and commit to an answer choice, before you look up the answer. Even if your answer choice is that you would skip it if you saw it on test day, it is better to make a decision, rather than imbuing yourself with false confidence in your current abilities. Remember- you can only improve if you have an accurate picture of your current skill level. 3) Once you’ve brushed up on the topic, take practice problems in multiples at a time, as if you were truly working on the test. As you solve your practice questions, don’t solve questions one at a time and stop to look up the answer after each one. Though you may be tempted to know exactly how well you've done after solving each problem, this kind of pacing does NOT give you an accurate picture of how you’ll do on test day and can hamper your progress. (Remember: you won’t be able to verify whether your answers are correct or not on test-day- you simply have to do your best and move forward on multiple questions at a time.) Even if you don’t always sit down to take a full test or a full math section at once, it is still better to answer two or three questions at a time than it is to simply answer one. 4) If a topic can use multiple solving methods for its problems, try all the different ways in order to find the one most comfortable for you. Many questions can be solved in several different ways. Plugging in answers and plugging in numbers are strategies that work for a large variety of questions, but there are others as well. For instance, systems of equations questions can be solved by graphing, subtraction, or substitution, while sequence and distance questions can be solved via formulas or by working them out by hand. These are just some examples, and each of our guideswill go into further detail. The point remains that most every SAT question is purposefully designed to be solved in multiple ways and different methods work best for different people. So once you’ve finished solving your set of problems, go back and solve them again using a different strategy. Compare this to the first time- which method did you like better? Which was faster? Which made you feel the most confident in your answer? 5) Pace yourself (and your practice questions) Though it may be tempting to get your studying out of the way, do NOT cram all your studying in one go! Improvement happens over time and you must pace yourself to get the most out of your prep time. In addition, if you blow through all your practice problems at once, you won't have anything else to work with fresh. Again, solving a puzzle yourself and understanding how a puzzle was solved are two very different concepts, so try to pace out your fresh material and your review material so that you can use both parts of your brain in your study prep. 6) Sign up for a test-prep program if you feel you need more material than the free practice questions available. If you feel you’ve exhausted your free study material, then definitely sign up for a test-prep program or buy one of the official study guides available, like the Official SAT Study Guide. Not only can a prep program provide you with additional material, but can also help you make the most out of your study time. Our SAT study program at PrepScholar automatically targets your areas of strength and weakness and tailors your studying to you and your needs. No need to assess your patterns yourself- we’ll do all the work for you! There are many paths for doing well on your SAT and, with experimentation and diligence, you'll find the best one for you. The Take-Aways The SAT is unlike most tests you’ll ever come across- it is long, tricky, and very specifically designed. Going into it blind (or poorly prepared) rarely ends well for anyone. The more you can prepare, and the better that preparation is, the better you’ll do on the test, hands down. So make sure your study material always comes from the best sources and that you use this material to its absolute best effect while studying. Your goal is to train your brain to look at and solve puzzles in the way that the SAT wants you to, and most people can only do so with focused effort and practice. Always remember that success on the SAT is entirely doable and, indeed, trainable. Once you know how to hone your focus and target specific areas to study, you’ll be mastering your SAT math questions in no time. What’s Next? You've taken a look at your SAT test-taking patterns, so now it may be time to check out ourindividual SAT math guidesto help you brush up on any topic that was not too familiar to you. Running out of time on the SAT math section?If you found that you didn't have enough time to finish your SAT math sections, check outour guide for how to beat the clock and maximize your SAT math score. Unsure about your SAT math formulas?Make sure you know which formulas you'll be given and which you'll have to memorizeand thencheck out how to use that knowledge to its best effect. Looking to get a perfect score?Ourguide to getting a perfect 800 on SAT math(written by a perfect-scorer!) will help get you to where you need to be. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this Math strategy guide, you'll love our program.Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands ofpractice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The U-2 Essays - Black Projects, Signals Intelligence, Free Essays

The U-2 Essays - Black Projects, Signals Intelligence, Free Essays The U-2 The U-2 CIA Air Force Reasons: Soviet air defense was aggressive April 8, 1950 USSR shot down a US Privateer over Baltic Autumn 1951 USSR downed a Twin-Engine Navy Neptune bomber June 13 1952 USSR allegedly downed a RB-29 Also scattered reports from Britain and Turkey After USSR backed N. Korea fear of USSR expansion grew Development: Civilian or Air Force? After many letters the decision for who to run development came from president Eisenhower who instructed that if a uniformed test pilot was captured in USSR in peacetime problems would arouse so a civilian team was called for development. Funding I would like to note that this segment in many reports was covered with black marker You try to read a sentence blacked out like this s and understand it. The Team James R. Killian, Jr. Director of Scientist - President of MIT His team of engineers worked no more that 50 feet from the assembly line. Problems were recognized and fixed in a few hours of draft productions. The Place Lockheed Martins Advanced Development facility in Burbank, CA AKA Skunk Works The Plane: The design called for a lightweight aircraft for ultrahigh flight. Tail The long tail was bolted to the body was only 3 bolts. This design was similar to a sailplane, which is also known for its lightweight. Wings The wing spar went through the fuselage. The panels were bolted to the side of the fuselage. (Sailplane) Amazingly the wings where integrated fuel tanks keeping almost all of the U-2s fuel. Nose and Landing Gear The nose was curved upwards to keep stabilized during wind gusts. (Sailplane) The landing was a complex set of bicycle like gears that weight 208 pounds but had the capability to withstand the touchdown of a 7-ton aircraft. Camera After developing 2 cameras each too large or too heavy a camera a camera was then developed using 3 mirrors and a prism to meet the size and weight requirements of the U-2 Spacesuits One of the first partially pressurized suits for high altitude flight was developed for specifically for the U-2. The cockpit kept a constant pressure 28,000 ft. This was at an outside pressure of a window cracking 70,000 feet or more. If the pressure suddenly decreased the suit would automatically inflate and administrate oxygen to the pilot. (Blood boils after 65,000ft) Fuel The CIA called on the vice president of Shell Oil Co. to make a low-volatility, low-vapor kerosene fuel. A fuel with the boiling point of 300F Security I wish I could fly like an eagle to the see fly like and eagle like my spirits carry me I want to fly. Right into the future I want to fly again. Over flights: First The first over flight of the U-2 was over Leningrad. Its target was to observe ship and submarines at bay. The Soviets caught glimpses of the U-2 but never accurately recognized the neither plane nor flight path. The USSR sent a letter to the White House describing the detection a Twin-Engine Navy Neptune bomber over USSR. The USSR was grossly wrong in the description of the U-2 and could not sustain the U-2 on radar for more than a few seconds. Nevertheless Eisenhower closed all over flights Renewal Eisenhower later renewed the U-2 program. But after taking pictures of Yerevan, USSR, The aircraft malfunctioned, and was forced to return to base. In another flight a pilot nick-named the Lemon Drop Kick was to fly over Bulgaria. The reason he was called that was because he always sucked on lemon hard candies during flight. But on that day the solider suiting him up put a L-pill in his pocket, unknowingly with the hard candies. L-pill being a suicide pill filled with potassium cyanide. He took off and started to eat his candy. He felt one of the pills had no flavor. Without biting into it he removed his faceplate and spit it out. The pilot was fine, but a thin glass coating away from death. More flights over the USSR west border were conducted with target cites and testing areas. Operation GRAND SLAM, the last over flight The flight was the first transit over the Soviet Union, all previous flight flew halfway in then turned around and retraced its flight. The flight would have been sooner, but the weather did not permit it. So CIA asked for more time. President Eisenhower demanded that no flights to be made after May 1,

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Review Of Woolworths Limited Commerce Essay

A Review Of Woolworths Limited Commerce Essay Woolworths Limited is one of the major Australian companies with extensive retail interest around Asia-pacific region. Largest food retailer in Australia, Largest retail firm in Australia and New Zealand and largest takeaway liquor retailer, hotel and poker machine operator in Australia. The Woolworths limited family is one of the huge employers in Pacific-Asia. With around 200,000 team members working in support offices, stores and distribution centres across Newzeland and Australia. Woolworths limited also continues to develop in buying and wholesaling offices in India and Asia. Retailing is most people focused business that makes recruiting, retaining intelligent employees and developing significant to their success. Through Woolworths limited policies, educate and development opportunities, reward and recognition programs, career opportunities and initiative to provide a balance and healthy work life, they target to keep doing the right things by their people and they keep on to recognise Woolworths limited as such a great place to work. Woolworths limited is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer. A diversity strategy has been certified and developed by the top management group, part of Woolworths’ ongoing commitment to diversity. In Woolworths limited, where all employees are treated with respect, dignity and courtesy, this is their target to provide a healthy work environment. They acknowledge that diversity adds significance in bringing dissimilar perspectives to work environment and in reflect the communities they serve. It helps business benefits as well. A diversity working community has been created comprising and Human Resource managers from all divisions. The purpose of the community is to, prioritise events to harness diversity within the company, make sure that recognising diversity owned by the business and managing accordingly. The gender at Woolworths, female constitutes 55% of the company workforce and proud of the progress the com pany made in the area of gender diversity, mainly in the top leadership role. 16.7% of leadership roles in company were held by women, for the financial year 2003-04 and 27% had increase in the year 2008-09. In facilitating women’s career development and progression, Woolworths Limited focuses to create an environment that is appreciation and supportive of difference. Men and women offer various perspectives those provide undeniable business benefits and they try to remove the barriers that may restrict the women career progression. These include the structured networking opportunities and mentoring. Woolworth’s board members two are women out of nine, which represent 22% of the board. Peter chandler, a part time employee of Woolworths at Katherine in northern Territory, which is 320 kilometres from south Darwin, is among an expanding group of Indigenous Aussies who are become Woolworths employees. Peter has gained experience in almost all departments of the store, suc h as perishable, bakery and presently working as a night fill employee. Woolworths is such a great place to work, diverse backgrounds such as people with disability, should have the opportunity to be work with Woolworths, which job they are suited. Woolworths limited has a memo of understanding with disability works Australia (DWA) and when recruiting a disability candidate, Woolworths require the contractor to use service of the Disability work Australia. The contractor is the supported to wage system is used decide the employee’s wage.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Celia, A Slave book Melton A. Mclaurin (Author) Essay

Celia, A Slave book Melton A. Mclaurin (Author) - Essay Example The purchase of Celia was less of a cook than it was a sexual object. However, was it right to convict Celia of murder while defending herself from her rapist master? In my opinion, it was unfair to put Celia to death while she was severing her relations with her master who had raped her for five years. The judicial process at the time shows that it was against the rights of slaves and did not care what they went through. Mr. Newsom characters also depict him as a pervert who had no respect for women. Newsom character seems to have changed for the worse when his wife died. He was lonely yes, like any other man but he could have maintained his family values and principles as he had his children around to console him. After purchasing Celia as black slave who was mandated to cook, Newsom started treating her like his wife. He forced Celia to have sex with him and eventually raped her (Mclaurin 15). Celia even though angered by the inhumane act perpetrated against her by her master could not find a place to air her grievances for the slaves had no legal redress to self defense in Missouri County. Newsom unacceptable behavior may have been persuaded by the fact that he knew that there were nowhere slaves would find justice. Furthermore, it is clear that he had no respect for women as he never cared about his two daughters who were in the same compound. Newsom prolonged his illicit behavior and bore two children with Celia while he knew very well that there existed no acquaintance bet ween him and Celia (Mclaurin 23). Another sign that portrays Newsom as a pervert is the unclear circumstances his older daughter Virginia got a son named Billy while still in his father’s compound. Even though Virginia was married to Waynescot, one year after her mother’s demise she returned to stay with her father (Mclaurin 9). Her husband might have died thus

Managing professional dance practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Managing professional dance practice - Essay Example From recreation to communication, from religion to magic, dance serves several aims and achieves several ends with different cultures. The history of dance is as long as man on earth. Throughout history, dance has been a part of human social life; ceremonies, rituals, celebrations, entertainments and all that. Archaeological evidences abound tracing dance practice from prehistoric times to the first written and pictorial documentation in 200BC. (Wikipedia). In primitive cultures, dance originated as an expression of the events, changes and occurrences that mark human existence on earth; changes that occur as people grew from childhood to old age, events that characterise the change from one season to another, the triumph that come with victories and the pains of failures. All these were expressed in dance steps. Over time, two sorts of dance evolved, as cultures evolved. Social dances on occasions of celebration, commemorating deaths or other special events; and magical or religious dances, which were believed to be some sort of communication with the gods, to invoke their assistance or as a form of worship, displaying allegiance. Thus dance was a tool of cultural and tribal reservation before men learnt the ability to document. Obviously, dance has gone a long way from the era of mere cultural or religious activity to a form of art that is learnt and practiced like every aspect of modern life. Different types of dance has attended the evolution of dance in history, but the modern dance with its accompanying technology has revolutionalised dancing, creating a sciences out of dance. It has achieved techniques of its own making and made disciples. Dance goes beyond the ballet dancer or the choreographer seen on stage, the dance sector encompasses the dance artist, management, production and education. This began early in the 1920s when dance studies, encompassing dance practice, critical theory, analysis and history, began to be seen as a serious academic discipline. By the late 20th century the recognition of practical knowledge as equal to academic knowledge lead to the emergence of practice-based research and practice as research. Today, these studies are an integral part several universities' arts and humanities program. A wide array of these dance studies have evolved over time and some of them include: Professional practice: performance and technical skills Practice-based research: choreography and performance Ethnochoreology, encompassing the dance-related aspects of Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Gender Studies, Area studies, Postcolonial theory, Ethnography, etc. Dance and technology: new media and performance technologies. Laban Movement Analysis and Somatic studies Community Dance. Dance-Movement Therapy. Therefore, when dance is viewed from the perspective of those managing and administering the dance studies, project development in the dance sector becomes something of great importance. Project development makes for effectiveness in the management of professional practise and teaching of dance. It has been and will always be responsible for the constant influx of new ideas into the dance sector, the re-evaluation of old ideas and

Living in the early colonial era Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Living in the early colonial era - Essay Example With Puritan inclinations, our minister recalls Roger Williams of New England's promotion of "soul liberty" and his rejection of Puritans' doctrine of God's elect as heresy (Foner 63). I came in, only to find Elizabeth, my wife, crying. Upon inquiry, I was told Gilbert, an African slave working in a neighboring farm had been whipped repeatedly for having sex with another female slave (Foner 52). News spread across colonies of possible French forays into colonies under British rule. Sir Edmund Andros, Governor of New York, reportedly forms an alliance, Covenant Chain, with Iroquois Indians in order to counter French threats (Foner 83). [Insert Your Last Name] 4 February 24, 1689 News spread about overthrowing James II of England and triggers riots and violence in many colonies (Foner 92). November 20, 1691 I was alarmed by reports of several girls succumbing to nightmares and fits after experimenting with magic in Salem, Massachusetts (Foner 94). [Insert Your Last Name] 5 Works Cited Foner, Eric. Give Me Liberty!: An American History. Vol. 1. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2004. Print.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Home Health and Hospice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Home Health and Hospice - Essay Example Medicare is composed of three parts; Part A, Part B, and most recently part D. Part A and B were the initial divisions of the Medicare Program. Part A covers the health care received in hospice and health care without monthly premiums. It is the insurance portion of Medicare. Part B covers doctors’ services as well as other outpatient care absent in part A with an added monthly premium, which in 2008 cost about $96.40 every month (Shi & Singh, 2010). Changes in payment permitted people to make hospice services payment on a prospective basis under four care levels and adjusted by the wage index in an area. The local adjustment was important because it allowed low rates in regions with low wage levels and high rates in regions with high wage levels. This was followed by a new wage index, which comprised of a mix of both new and old wage indexes however; the new index was still based on hospital wage data. The Medicare hospice rates also varied according to the level of care that a beneficiary received. Initially, the payment system by Medicare was linked to the â€Å"Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (BBA)†, and it had a huge influence on the number of home health as well as hospice care agencies. Initially, the implementation of BBA led to the exit of these agencies from the market as it reduced medical reimbursement, and the number of providers. Implementation of the prospective payment system (PPS) generated improved growth and financial stability of agencies. It stopped the decline in the number of home health providers. With the PPS, Medicare paid home health and hospice providers for every 60-day â€Å"episode of care.† The amount paid for the 60-day period was a set amount based on a standard rate and adjusted to the type as well as the intensity of care offered known as a case mix formula. The home health PPS depended on a 153-category case mix adjuster to set payment rates anchored in patients attributes like functional status, clinical ri gorousness, and the requirement for rehabilitative therapy examinations (Shi & Singh, 2010). Initially, Medicare hospice coverage consisted of 290-day benefit periods and an indefinite number of 60-day benefit time. Coverage can extend beyond this period given that a six-month prognosis is the doctor’s best estimate. There is also provision for patients to move out of and back into hospice care. When out of the care, patients regular Medicare or other insurance cover them. Medicare reimburses the providers of home health and hospice care on a per diem basis. This kind of payment covers all services offered by the hospice (Shi & Singh, 2010). There are numerous different rates that vary according to the level and type of care offered. Concerning eligibility for home and health care under Medicare, a patient has to present a medical justification to qualify hospice and home health benefits. Initially, eligibility criteria varied, depending on the hospice program. However, patie nts had to have a progressive, irreversible illness limited life expectancy, and they had to opt for palliative care instead of cure-focussed treatment. The presence of a family member or another caregiver was required continuously when the patient was no longer able to care for him or herself. Initially, for a person to be qualified for Medicare benefits, he or she had to be qualified f

Business strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Business strategy - Essay Example merger of the Tarmac and Lafarge organizations in the UK may have been a noteworthy undertaking, yet this ought to shock no one given the measure of the portfolio and advantages of each company, their joined assets, and the different legacy products or services that they both needed to incorporate into one new organization. From the beginning, uniting the qualities of two of the UKs top and most powerful materials companies – Lafarge (with their quality in concrete items, solid concentrate on R&D and advancement) and Tarmac (with their national foot shaped impression and quality in totals, street contracting, and solid ethic of customer service) – was continually going to be a huge undertaking. According to Graham, Smart & Megginson (2012), merging of two major companies comes with its challenges as well as the benefit. Stahl & Mendenhall (2005) adds that merging is one of the business strategies that any company should consider as a means of improving its operations an d the market share. The joint venture company has established cognitive structures for present and future prosperity. Primarily, the two firms entered the venture to fulfill certain objectives, goals and vision. The daily business of the joint venture is usually mission. The mission for the venture is to be provide incomparable products and services in the construction field that are geared towards promoting safety and sustainable development. The mission motivates the company to provide solutions to various dilemmas experienced in the building and construction sector. In essence, the company’s activities are tailored towards achieving the already established mission. The merging of the two companies gave them an upper hand in the industry. The core competence of the company is a diverse workforce and sufficient infrastructure that facilitates quality production and transportation of materials from the production site to the required destination. That is, the company’s employees are

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Living in the early colonial era Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Living in the early colonial era - Essay Example With Puritan inclinations, our minister recalls Roger Williams of New England's promotion of "soul liberty" and his rejection of Puritans' doctrine of God's elect as heresy (Foner 63). I came in, only to find Elizabeth, my wife, crying. Upon inquiry, I was told Gilbert, an African slave working in a neighboring farm had been whipped repeatedly for having sex with another female slave (Foner 52). News spread across colonies of possible French forays into colonies under British rule. Sir Edmund Andros, Governor of New York, reportedly forms an alliance, Covenant Chain, with Iroquois Indians in order to counter French threats (Foner 83). [Insert Your Last Name] 4 February 24, 1689 News spread about overthrowing James II of England and triggers riots and violence in many colonies (Foner 92). November 20, 1691 I was alarmed by reports of several girls succumbing to nightmares and fits after experimenting with magic in Salem, Massachusetts (Foner 94). [Insert Your Last Name] 5 Works Cited Foner, Eric. Give Me Liberty!: An American History. Vol. 1. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2004. Print.

Business strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Business strategy - Essay Example merger of the Tarmac and Lafarge organizations in the UK may have been a noteworthy undertaking, yet this ought to shock no one given the measure of the portfolio and advantages of each company, their joined assets, and the different legacy products or services that they both needed to incorporate into one new organization. From the beginning, uniting the qualities of two of the UKs top and most powerful materials companies – Lafarge (with their quality in concrete items, solid concentrate on R&D and advancement) and Tarmac (with their national foot shaped impression and quality in totals, street contracting, and solid ethic of customer service) – was continually going to be a huge undertaking. According to Graham, Smart & Megginson (2012), merging of two major companies comes with its challenges as well as the benefit. Stahl & Mendenhall (2005) adds that merging is one of the business strategies that any company should consider as a means of improving its operations an d the market share. The joint venture company has established cognitive structures for present and future prosperity. Primarily, the two firms entered the venture to fulfill certain objectives, goals and vision. The daily business of the joint venture is usually mission. The mission for the venture is to be provide incomparable products and services in the construction field that are geared towards promoting safety and sustainable development. The mission motivates the company to provide solutions to various dilemmas experienced in the building and construction sector. In essence, the company’s activities are tailored towards achieving the already established mission. The merging of the two companies gave them an upper hand in the industry. The core competence of the company is a diverse workforce and sufficient infrastructure that facilitates quality production and transportation of materials from the production site to the required destination. That is, the company’s employees are

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Discuss the major components of an academic essay,outlining the role that each component plays. Essay Example for Free

Discuss the major components of an academic essay,outlining the role that each component plays. Essay An academic essay is a systematic piece of writing which has a coherent and cohesion meaning. Basically, an academic essay is mainly characterized by an introduction, the body, the conclusion and the reference as shall be discussed forth with. To begin with, an introduction as stressed by McMillan and Weyers (2010: 90) â€Å"has to be the first contact that the reader makes with the author of the text.† This, therefore means it (the introduction) has to be well organized and clear, that is, short and precise to the subject matter or the topic. In support, Cleary et al (2013: 264) writes, â€Å"The introduction is the official start of your essay and introduces your reader to the subject.† Furthermore, Gamble and Gamble (2010: 371) supports the idea of the introduction being the first to impress the subject matter or points to be stressed. They further explain that, â€Å"The functions of an introduction are to gain the attention of the audience members, to make them listen to the speech.† Just like Gamble, Payne (2001) gives an emphasis on getting the attention of the audience through introducing the subject. Payne (ibid) suggests that, the introduction has to bring about the topic, that is, highlighting the audience or the reader about the subject or topic. In addition to that, Gamble (ibid) further shows that, in the introduction one of the ultimate goals to be built is rapport. This therefore, means creating or having a mutual relation of understanding with the audience. Cleary (2013: 265) suggests that, â€Å"an introduction has to explain the title as necessary: defining terms used in the title and explains the purpose in writing the subject matter.† This means, educating the audience or reader about the topic and thereby, giving adequate information relating to the subject. In addition, McMillan (i bid) gives an emphasis on the importance of the introduction being brief and, thereby explaining of the topic context. Meaning the introduction has to be clear and making the topic being clearly understood by everyone. Pritchard (2008) also highlights on the formulation of the relation between the audiences so as to deliver the information effectively. More so, Payne (ibid), further outlines that the role of the introduction is to create focusting of the major ideas of the subject matter. Again, this creates the map of the rest of the piece of work or document or speech, giving directions and highlights of what is going to happen through the course of the writing. In support, McMillan (2010:89) suggests that, â€Å"an introduction should have an explanation of how one is going to plan to address the topic in a particular text-in effect statement on intent.† Furthermore, Cleary (2013: 265) suggests that, â€Å"an introduction has to briefly state the structure of the essay by giving the main points.† This thereby gives the reader a clear picture on the title, the purpose of writing, the focus and the essay structure writes. Furthermore, an introduction should not be too difficult to understand. The use of simple language which is widely accepted gives credibility and the use of jargons it should not be used when introducing a topic. There should not be any ambiguity when introducing a topic. After the introduction, an academic essay should have the body. This, as writes Payne (2001: 416), â€Å"Is the main portion of the speech.† This therefore, means that the use of good joints of sentences is widely encouraged. This part therefore provides all the facts, evidence, critical analysis, discussion and a well built up side line of the story or the topic. As a result, the main ideas or the gist of the topic are easily attainabl e efficiently. In addition to, McMillan et al indicates that, â€Å"This section (the body) lays out the work based on the approach which one has decided to adopt in organizing the content.† This part of the essay needs to be dealt with great care, as organizing the information is crucial. Since the idea needs proper and crucial alignment, this therefore explains the importance of a good essay structure with a good planning of words and a coherent of good words in sentence construction. Clouse (2008) asserts that, the body consists of two major parts which are the topic sentence and the supporting details. The topic sentence has to present the main topic of the paragraph and announces the paragraph’s main idea, giving a map. Also, the supporting details are the evidence details provided to demonstrate the truth about the topic sentence. In other words, the body has to explain the major points, generalizing, describing or exemplifying as part of the analysis (McMillan). In addition, these authors also allude on keeping the body part as concise and clear as possible; this thereby means the body has to have less ambiguity in it. CEES (ed.) applauds that the body part of an academic essay writing has to serve the purpose of giving evidence, examples, references which relates to the topic sentence. This as a result, gives the audience a clear and a well defined picture of what is being meant by the topic sentence in play. In addition, CEES ibid points out that, th e body presents the topic sentence or the central idea supporting the thesis  statement or line of argument. In line with Cleary (2013: 135-136), paragraphs should be well constructed and of meaning and this is when sentences are arranged in such a way that they link to one another giving clarity to the reader. Such coherence can be achieved by arranging the sentences in the sequence that will best communicate the message to the reader through the inclusion of signpost words or signals which guides the reader. Also, a smooth flow of ideas makes the essay much more interesting, that is, cohesive meaning of the thoughts or ideas pertaining to the topic being discussed. Again, this uses transitions between paragraphs in order to ensure a perfect flow of ideas. However, the conclusion in an essay serves the purpose of summarizing the presentation. More so, McMillan (91) defines a conclusion as a summary of the whole piece of work. Therefore, a good conclusion has to present and clarify what has been discussed, evaluated, analyzed, and stated in the master piece (the body) party of the essay. Furthermore, Redman (2006) gives an emphasis that, proper conclusions has to revisit the key points or the main points of one’s argument, summarizing the key debates raised and try to fuse them. Therefore, the conclusion should provide a condensed version of the essay’s core argument, and restating the writer’s position in essay. Also, Cleary ibid purports that, in the conclusion, ideas not mentioned before should not be introduced as this thereby changes the focus of the conclusion. Payne ibid (2001: 424), indicates that, â€Å"Conclusion is the summarizing of the major ideas.† One does not have to review everything said in the speech, but a short piece reminds the audience of what is important. The conclusion has to serve the purpose of clarifying the issues or ideas one has just discussed. In addition to that, Cleary ibid says, â€Å"The component of a conclusion is to serve as a summary of the main points, usually referring to the thesis statement.† Besides serving as a summary, a good conclusion should be used to heighten the impact of the presentation writes Gamble (2010: 374). The conclusion must be a synthetic summary which therefore provides a platform of mutual understanding. Furthermore, it must grace the piece of work in such a manner that the major audience notes the major points or ideas of the summary as a whole (Payne). This means, a good conclusion has to be justified for recommendations. Again, a conclusion should be short, clarifying and emphasizing on the main topic of the writing, or the subject matter. Therefore, this acts as a tool in making the presentation of the rest of the topic to be well remembered through a bracing conclusion (Payne ibid). To embrace more on a good academic essay, references should be made so as to applaud the works of others (A2Z Essay). Cleary ibid (2013: 361) defines, â€Å"Referencing as a standardized method of acknowledging printed or electronic sources of information and idea that one have used in the essay, in a way that uniquely identifies their source.† Furthermore, referencing is an act of back acknowledging the works of others in any borrowed fact so as to keep the works of others safe from any plagiarism claims (A2Z). Simply put, referencing is necessary to avoid plagiarism; to enable readers to verify quotations; and to enable readers to follow up and read more fully cited author’s argument or research. On another note, reference gives proof that allows the readers or audiences to consult the source in case of confusion or furthe r discussions. Again, references acts as an assessment tool in the sense that it requires one to find reliability of the sources of the text, similarities and differences among the sources and making connection between the details (

Monday, October 14, 2019

Personal Development in Strategic Management

Personal Development in Strategic Management Personal development is about acquiring knowledge, skills and experience for the purpose of improving individual performance and self perception. It is a systematic process, which has a purpose to develop, identifying the skills to be improved, utilising the opportunities, action plans to be formulated, recording the outcomes, reviewing and evaluating the outcomes and benefits. Strategic manager is an individual who has good leadership qualities to bring change according to an environment and to operate at a strategic level. He/she is the one who takes the necessary decisions, set goals and strategies to win over existing and potential competitors. Personal development is imperative in todays world as this is a planning process through which managers acquire leadership skills and knowledge necessary to achieve long term goals of the organization. The organisation that I have chosen is Pioneer Computer Services is a leading IT management, systems and technology consulting firm. Committed to innovation, responsive to our clients needs, and focused on delivery of value, PioneerÂÂ  draws on the knowledge and expertise of our consultants, whose skills span a wider range of capability than any other major consulting firm. The specialist disciplines ofÂÂ  pioneers consulting staff are underpinned by deep change management experience managing risk, mobilizing staff and integrating initiatives to deliver sustainable change quickly. As a strategic manager at Pioneer, I have to keep focusing on what are the skills I need to develop in order to support strategic direction as well as I need to evaluate what are the strategic skills required to achieve strategic ambitions. In this assignment first I would try to identify the personal skills required of managers to achieve strategic ambitions of Pioneer. Then I will discuss leadership development to support achievement of strategic ambitions, effectiveness of the leadership development plan, promote a healthy and safe environment that supports a culture of quality and finally I will conclude my work by summarizing the whole assignment. LO1. Be able to identify personal skills to achieve strategic ambitions Analyse the strategic direction of the organisation Strategic is a organised plan . which veirified to achieve better collition of corporate plan. A modified strategic direction of infotec company will help in identifying the own competencies of a strategic manager . this can be accompalish by knowing the affect of strategy on corporate, business and operational level and by study . what strategic ideas would required to make decisions and modifying. A fine image . what infotec purpose is ? It could be shown in the form of mission and vision statement. At corporate level i attempt the strategic analysis to findout strategic direction of infotec, putting question to myself considering the type of business infotec is in ? is there any need to expand business or new services to be provided to customer in market from organisation. How to corroborate infotec financially in acting the above activities. At a business point of view i findout the particulate sector to developed. Eg : Flexible Benefits, incentives and rewards to motivate the em ployee to give there best for the company to be a chanllenging in business world . infoted mission is to be customers first opt of service provider by implementing the quality service , capitalistic cost by delivering latest technology Eg . To be a most successful electronic company by presenting a best customer experience and satisfaction in the markets we serve, providing handsome returns to shareholder and rewards to our employee. Infotecs vision is to expand its business by providing systematically superior services. E.g. seven years from now maplin will be as judge one of the top 5 electronic company in the industry, by 2020 lebera will be one of the top 5 communicating network companies in world. infotecs destination goal of elaboration into the other trades apart from its own country and it can be come through by export and import business opportunities, uniting and acquirement, new business deals, this align with the strategic direction of the organisation. Evaluate the strategic skills required of the leader to achieve the strategic ambitions Strategic ambitions of infotec are, to be a world-wide leader in the service and technology industry, to represent among the top 10 quality sellers in the market, to elaborate our business sharply through technology and to generate handsome revenues for the organisation. This can be accompalish when a organisation has a perfect leader with good leadership qualities and ideas to implement. Leaders are known for their development and applying favour to corporate strategies, predicting the future of organisation, features the ability to take full favour of available resources, etc. still it is very important for leaders of InfoTech to keep on creating| their skills, so that infotec can exist for a long period in this aggressive market. Leadership skills are determined and measure from time to time and keep on modified to meet strategic ambitions of infotec are identifying as: vision, relationships, teamwork, coaching development and decision making. Vision: Being a leader of infotec I must have a open idea where my organization and team are going beyond this years budget.In long terms to what extend it may reach? 1. Relationships: Being a leader, I should like speek with people issues, by taking leadership advantage. Only then I creat a team and achieve amazing results for infotec. 2. Teamwork: A team, consist of people with different skill sets, is necessary. I must know how to sturcture and encourage such a team. 3. Coaching development: Developing others giving opportunities to explore there ideas is an important role for me and boost them to expand their capabilities. Instructing and development are important skills that I should set up at infotec. 4. Strong communication skills: Communication is necessary because as a leader I have to coach, arrange , counsel, judge , and supervise through this process. Competencies needed to achieve strategic ambitions: Decision making: I must be able to wade through information, perceive whats applicable, make a well-considered conclusion, and take implement based on that conclusion. Time management: It is precise for me to hold the time, when I intend every thing according to achieve certain goals, it helps me to grade my work, it helps in creating a superior work, keeps me on the right path concentrating on strategic ambitions Assess the relationship between existing, required and future skills to achieve the strategic ambitions At present in infotec the strategic managers own few skills to accomplish the strategic ambitions. These insences not sufficient to accomplish the strategic ambitions. They own communication skills,delegacy mission,developing others, motivational skills, personal skills,Technical skills, command others, and initiators. Skills needed to achieve the strategic ambitions of infotec apply, the architectural role are empowering others, creativity, quick reaction, time management, flexibility,strategic thing, possessing high personal standards,endless learning, result oriented, self judgment, problem solving etc. Analysing the gap between current position or existing skills and expectable skills is mention as gap analysis. By analysing the gap, infotec came to know where are we and what skills are missing. Then a personal development plan came into creation which turn up in the below , final result for future to succeed the strategic ambitions. Personal development plan supports infotec to judge and determine the future skills needed and also educated the value of future skills. Identified below are the few future skills: Master strategist, relationship builder, talent developer and business challenges.personal arrogance , controlling leadership style ,reluctance to tackle difficult people, Should be able to bring the alternative whenever required rely up on the position , ability to form competent teams to present the best services, a dominating level decision making, ability to addres and consider , unpredicted opportunities, ability to combine strategy with corporate culture, anticipate the vision, command the business on behalf of all the stakeholders, to develop and apply changes to corporate strategies, personal opening to go beyond specify boundaries, to supervise and manipulate operations with special cite to financial results, productivity, caliber, customer services, invention , new wares and services and staff developments, to provide guidelines and plan of action for other managers to alleviate both the management of operations and changes in capitalistic and structural strategies. LO2. Be able to manage personal leadership development to support achievement of strategic ambitions 2.1 Discuss the opportunities to support leadership development As a leader, I have to confine where do I position today in the organisation? This can be perform by self assessment; a feedback from others would be the best to certify, what do they imagine about me? What do they see in my behaviour? Its very esssential to know about me, what leadership caliber, behaviour I own? What others retrieve and dont retrieve about me? These feedbacks, helps in succeed the strategic ambitions of infotec. This can be perform by using very acquainted development tools like performance estimation, 360 degree feedback, SWOT analysis, psychometric assessment, interaction sessions, coaching etc. Performance estimate is one of the essential tools to determine the performance of an employee in an organisation. It render the organisational diagnosis and development; assist communication between employee and administration. A 360 degree feedback can be acquire from my managers, peers, grade and customers whilst perform self assessment. Another essential tool to carry out self awareness is SWOT analysis, to avaluble extent it is used for strategic planning but can also be used for personal development border. Educational chance, development chance, training chance, career planning chance, are the opportunities to approve leadership development being followed by infotec. Educational opportunities: Educating the people of infotec to give knowledge about the system, process being carried in the infotec, so that the people will have a clear understanding of products and technology being used, it leads to a qualification subsequent with a degree and career way as well. Development activities: Ample number of growing activities with acquiring potential based personally or base on work in the organize of seminars, workshops etc. with these growing activities people will come to know themselves better and experiencing new things in technology sector of infotec. Training opportunities: Training people to make awareness about specific things for a specific period and place with a result oriented objectives. Training the people to bring up their skills and perform more effectively to encounter the strategic aims of infot Career planning opportunitiesplanning a long term strategy of any individual about his/her career. He/she has to intend, make and work according for the next 2-5 years 2.2 Construct a personal development plan to direct leadership development As a leader of infotec, with the strong position and want to make this personal development plan successful using a growing log initially I determine Key development goals: Appraising the presentation of my employees, these results in staff more devote to their work (efficient performance) and to perform training session for sales team to modify their performance and sales estimate. Collecting feedback: Accumulate feedback from my fellow worker about the way I am carrying the process, about the force which help me to hike more of my contribution, about the unannounced opportunities whether, I should employ them or not. This prove in a positive response from my fellow workers, saying that I possess satisfactory leadership skills which are my capability(change ability, time management, decision making) and these capability will help me to boost more and can move up with the coming opportunities. Planning steps: I intend according to the growing goal step by step. What power get in the way to carry out this development goal Which things I have to judge or release with in the time What resources will be expect or acquirable with me What I have to do to succeed this development goal Entering progress To displace out one of the key development goal: providing teaching sessions for sales team to change their performance and sales figure, things like more time I need to pass with them, work force may get in my way; I need to give up extra time to groom, I may need to perform training meeting with the sales group; Need enough budget to complete the training sessions, special training rooms needed; acquire trained or advice on rendering training to sales team,planed meetings, conducting teaching sessions, communicate for feedbacks to present to board. Similarly intend for employee assessment as well. Monitoring progress: After the successful completion of teaching sessions for sales team I started supervise the progress of sales team. analyze their efforts to sell there move candidates of infotec to different customer and getting them placed. Continuously reviewing and refining your approach to deliver superior performance: I had face to face interactions with each and every singular of sales team, conside any queries they have, any problems being faced in accomplish their tasks, anything that I can help them out. I being carrying out this activity with sales team thrice in a week to present outstanding performance 2.3 Devise an implementation process for the development plan Personal Development Planning will support you to specify and research your goals and map out ways to make them into reality. It will change you to articulate the skills you are developing now in order to expose opportunities in the future. (Source: University of KENT website). I develop a SMART objective based plan to create leadership development of infotec which was specific, important, manageable , and pratical and time bound. Skill audit: performing a skill audit by measuring a multi-rater questionnaire with the option of customizing and alleviate the 360 degree feedback by one-on-one developmental discussion. Skill required to be improved: With this questionnaire impractical skills (modifying change, decision making, time management, considering unannounced opportunities, managing business on behalf of stake holders etc) were listed out to be improved, developed to encounter the strategic ambitions of infotec. Activities to improve the skills: Device activeness required to develop the above skills of leaders of infotec includes teaching sessions and workshops. To perform these teaching sessions and workshops there will be a requirement of a worthy seminar room or special teaching and development room with capable seating, ventilation system , white board, markers, projector, tables and chairs, pen and papers, with a minimum room temperature and the most essential budget as well. Measures to enter progress: Training is the important factor of personal development plan and it should be recorded up to date. Easy way of Performa is to maintain the copies in the seminar room or teaching development rooms where teaching is given. Once after teaching has been given on a particular day and time, it should be entered on the forms. Time limits: A verifiable based plan to be achievable it should have a time limits. And this can be make by keeping the records of trainees how well are they , executeing during the teaching sessions, within one week time, three weeks time respectively. The objective to direct the leadership development for infotec can be reach within 3 months time. LO3. Be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the leadership development plan 3.1 Assess the achievement of outcomes of the plan against original objectives After the prosperous implementation of leadership development plan, now it is the time to estimate the result of plan against original objectives of infotec. improment need: Describing the development need of infotec was an aspirational visionary style (which was to give a new ways to infotec before participate into the new markets). Targets: objective to make a new vision to infotec by consulting the stakeholders and presenting this at the upcoming comprehensive meeting in the next 3 months. Outcome: Attended the workshops and teaching sessions and designed a new vision , assertion after consulting the stakeholders and demonstrated it to board. Yes, the development demand was well acquire by the stakeholders during the consultation and was prepare to invest in the preparation activities and the board also sanction it to use as the next tool, next strategy to be implemented. Most of the things move well and were in favour of the imporved plan. Board was very awesome with the kind of work completed. Things finish well: Focus group with distinct stakeholders was truly helpful and cooperative in gathering basic data and feedback and wascreated to invest in the teaching sessions or workshops. Things did not work well: I expanded more time to inform my proposal to board as few of them requested to explain more in depth about the proposal. What would I do present new next time? I will spread handouts to each members of board so that they can form clear idea about my proposal and my thinking ; this would help me in preserveing time of board and,as well as minl. 3.2 Evaluate the impact of the achievement of objectives on strategic ambitions Development need: Identified development need of infotec was an aspirational , impractical style (which was to give a new way to infotec before entering into the new markets). Objective: objective to give a new vision to infotec by conferring the stakeholders and presenting this at the approaching general meeting in the next 3 months. Strategic ambitions of infotec: Strategic ambitions of infotec are, to state a world wide leader in the service industry, to be one of the top 5 prime vendors in the trade, to expand our business sharply through technology and to create handsome revenues. Applicable strategic ambition: A newborn marketing strategic plan to support the services of infotec in to new trade which, helps in becoming turning a world wide leader in the service industry. This marketing plan not only helps infotec in becoming a world wide leader in service industry but also adds more shareowner to the firm change the present impact being followed to be more impressive and streamlined in the future, helps employees to concentrate more and more on sales and customer focused. wedge achieved: yes, the impact was reach. A new vision statement was incorporate, more add of customers were been increase to the list, customers were effective with the vision and values of infotec, created the revenue more than 3 times analyse to last quarter, was added to the list of top 5 prime seller in the trade, 20% of magnitude in the employees performance, sales increased to 40% this was due to the addition in the 60% performance of sales group. Recruitment manage became more effective in present quality candidates to the customers of infotec. New shareowner started showing their arouse in infotec. 3.3 Review and update the leadership development plan Aspirational visionary style of development require was met within the time I hold for making the approaching strategy for infotec as it was going to appear into new trade. A new vision statement of infotec was created by consulting the stakeholders and presented in the common meeting held. Outcomes of this brand-new vision statement were comprehended when I attended the workshops and teaching sessions. Yes, the affect on strategic ambitions was appraise and many things were in spare of the development need and the verifiable behind it. It was well acquire by stakeholders and members of board, built relationships with new customer, new shareholders were been named, new business from this campaign ensued in huge income. And on the other side, present development requir public relations style and present development target behind this style of leadership stipulating, a high visible profile still require to be auctioned. This leadership style is about the holding the superior relations between the employees of infotec as well as with the customer, client , shareowner , community members, suppliers and with all those to have a good public visualise about the services rendered by infotec. New development require determine are human resource style, financial engineering style and analytical style of leadership development and with the aim in providing corroborative environment, workshops, employee relations,profit and appraisals; rendering tight control systems, e.g. providing adequate amount to suppliers, by providing a improve rate of interest to shareholders for the specific quarter, decreaseing bonuses to employees, reducing down the training cost; providing quality analytical plans to be appied and measured, empowering the employees to communicate their thoughts in conveying a change in the present system, empowering the employees to take conclusion on their own to produce the yield in their own style severally. LO4. Be able to promote a healthy and safe environment that supports a culture of quality 4.1 Assess the impact of corporate and individual health and safety responsibilities on the organisation Health and safety is a cross-disciplinary area concerned with protecting the health, safety and welfare of people busy in employment. This is a policy of how a business will effectively guarantee and manage the health, safety and welfare of the employees. The goal of health and safety programs is to promote a safe and work free environment. It may also protect co-workers, family members, employers, customers, suppliers, nearby communities who are impact by the workplace environment. Health and safety responsibility on pioneer: Pioneer has a legal responsibility for health and safety of its employees and its customers, local communities, shareholders and those who may be affected by its business and its activities. It is about the preventing people from being harmed at work by taking the right precautions and providing satisfactory working environment. Setting HS policy: Pioneer consists of 40 people and its policy is in written format consisting of statement of intent, pioneer section and arrangement section. Health and safety policy of pioneer has influenced all the activities, including the selection of people, equipment and material. This written policy of pioneer has been upgraded from time to time, it indicated about the hazards and risks assessed and controlled in creating a safe working environment. Culture of pioneer: The role culture has a benefit of specialisation; here the employees of pioneer always focus on their particular role assigned to them by their job description which on the other hand increases productivity for pioneer. Development and implementation of health and safety plan: Being aware of risks being entertained by organisation, the board of pioneer was happy with the developed policy of health and safety. With an aim to protect people of pioneer a proper management system was introduced to ensure risks are dealt sensibly and with responsibility. Monitoring, evaluation and review of plan: A proper monitoring system was introduced to have a glance of HS policy of pioneer and reporting the problems still being faced, to the board to take up any necessary changes in the plan. This implemented plan was reviewed to check whether it is working properly and meeting the strategic ambitions of pioneer by collecting the feedback from employees, asking for their assistance in improving the system as well. Impact of health and safety responsibilities on pioneer: This developed plan lead to good health and safety performance includes: Less employee absence, reduced number of accidents and saved money, reduced costs and risks involved, better position against suppliers, shareholders and partners of pioneer, improved corporate reputation, reduced threat of legal actions, produced more results in the form of new clients, new projects 4.2 Estimate an organisational culture of quality on the achievement of strategic ambitions Promoting a health and safety quality culture: It was a hard time for pioneer in making commitment to develop health and safety issues. As safety of employees being a prime motive for pioneer, it planned to create a safety culture a safety team which involves and motivates the people in health and safety. Main objective to create a safety team of pioneer was to create awareness among employees, motivate them towards safety; as long as safety in pioneer entertains the outcomes will be entertained consistently. A safety team was introduced to focus specially on the health and safety procedures and to look after the system to be followed. The safety team was consist of two safety representatives, who deal with all the procedures, system being followed, take care about the employees present situation on floor. These representatives report to their manger of safety team. The safety team started conducting meetings with safety representatives, invited and visited other known companies to exchange the communication for better health and safety quality culture in pioneer. Communicated with employees about the safety environment in pioneer; exchange information about the facilities provided to people during the working hours etc. They included a timeout session every Tuesday with employees where, they can exchange the information about the present safety procedures, their thoughts, and ideas for the better safety procedures to be taken place. It was a big challenge for the leaders of pioneer to co nsistently focus on motivating the people to accept this new culture and to believe that pioneer is highly committed in maintaining health and safety of its employees. Impact of health and safety quality culture in pioneer: With the implementation of safety quality culture in pioneer many things were figured out which were in favour of pioneer success. They are: Employees started paying more attention to their work Get connected with new clients and new projects Lower accidents (reduced by 40%) Produced quality results within the given time. Maintained good health Absence of employees in pioneer was below 4 % Profits were up by 10 % Employees started logging in and logging out at time. Conclusion: In this assignment I have tried to identify the personal skills required of managers to achieve strategic ambitions of my organization. Though personal development as a strategic manager and constructing and implementing personal development plan at pioneer is an important activity which supported the strategic ambitions, yet in the wake of global economic, demographic, and technological changes there is a dire need to inculcate some strategic changes in some of the above discussed areas that form the basis of personal development planning for the strategic managers. Feedback: Pass. A very good assignment. Well done.